Instagram and Facebook are among the largest social media platforms the market has to offer. This is precisely why these two platforms have millions of users in every age group - and the trend is increasing! Thus, the chance to meet your partner on Instagram or Facebook is as sure as day follows night. A loyalty test of this kind therefore offers you an inexpensive and rapid way to test loyalty within your partnership. Your partner will also feel safe thanks to the private messaging feature that Facebook and Instagram offers their users.
If your partner suddenly keeps their mobile phone secret from you, you can be pretty sure that something is wrong. It is possible that their mobile phone or certain apps have even recently been secured with a password that you do not know. Perhaps your partner is also supposedly often forced to work overtime, which is often used as an excuse (or white lie) by cheaters. Your partner may also suddenly appear cold and distant to you, and dates with you may be reduced to a minimum. You may even have caught your partner in a lie at some point, which logically makes you doubt their complete honesty with you. Another indication of unfaithfulness would be if your partner suddenly spends more money than usual (for example, on secret hotel stays, gifts for the affair, etc.). If your partner suddenly turns away from you sexually - in part or even completely - this could be another important indication of infidelity.
This type of loyalty test offers you an inexpensive and rapid way to find out the truth within a very short time. In addition, the communication channel is very simple, such that contact with your partner can be established at lightning speed (if there is a response to the contact attempts of our decoy). In addition, we only need the social media profile name of your partner, while a detective needs much more data and information from you. Such loyalty tests can be carried out without much fuss on Instagram and Facebook, and the people tested do not suspect anything. Last but not least, you will receive bulletproof evidence: The entire conversation between your partner and our decoy via screenshots!
A lie detector test is a very expensive and time-consuming affair, and it is rare for a partner to volunteer to take a lie detector. In addition, such machines have the reputation of not being 100% certain, which is why they are generally preferred not to be used even during criminal proceedings. As mentioned above, people rarely allow themselves to be persuaded to voluntarily take a lie detector test. Your life partner may also react to your suspicions with anger and disappointment. With a loyalty test via Instagram and Facebook, you avoid such discussions, and you don't have to persuade your partner to participate. In addition, a lie detector test comes with horrendous costs (between 650 and 800 dollars), which is why the loyalty tests we offer are much less expensive and more advantageous.
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